Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring in Texas

As always I try to start out with a picture of our departure.  This is the first trip with the Yukon so we were pretty excited.  Podterfly actually looks small.

As you can see from the picture Podterfly is tilted backwards a little, I ended up at Camping World in the afternoon (they were able to fit me in), where they adjusted the E2 equalizer.   Some may say that with the bigger tow vehicle I don't need it, but it's what I have and I like the way it feels.

To this was a perfect weekend to drive through central Texas (thanks is part to Lady Bird Johnson).  The Wild Flowers are in full bloom.  I stop at a Picnic Area just south of San Antonio and took some pictures.  

Flowers behind Podterfly

Field of Flowers

Flowers and Trees

Bluebonnet Close up

So there I am merrily taking pictures of flowers with my camera, get back to the Yukon and discover no SD card.  I went back an took the above pictures with my cell phone.

BlueBonnet Field

I was camping with some friends and we spent our days site seeing and visiting shops in Gurne and Wimberly.  The weekend was way to short, but I had to stop at the picnic area going south bound.  The full of different wild flowers from across the highway.

Purple flowers and Wild grasses

Check out the reflection in the Mirror...Wild Flowers Every where!

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