Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Modifications on the Front of Podterfly..

This was the very first modification to Podterfly.  I really hated going into the back storage area for things I needed for hitching up or down.  Podterfly was born in June 2009 (a 2010 model), did not have stabilizers on the front so I used Jacks to keep the front stabilized and the weight off the front thingy (don't know what it's called.

Of course pulling with the 4 cylinder Nissan frontier, I had a weight concern.  Now have the 8 cylinder Yukon XL, and weight is not a concern.

With the Nissan I could carry the Honda 2000i in the bed of the truck, with the Yukon, I can't. So I brought a cargo rack and took it to a welder to have it put on.

Well the old saying you want something done right, "do it yourself" really held up.   I asked that the Generator be stable, so they attached it so it couldn't take it off.  They cut the cargo rack, so the propane tank would fit (but is was also cutting into the tank) and made the cargo carrier  weaker.  
Fortunately my son in law as was able to help me repair the flaws, (i.e. put attach a piece of angle iron where they cut it for the propane tank.  We raised the tank on wood, and created a holder for the generator.  Here is the painted version.  

End result

Bicycle cable is just meant to kept honest people honest.  Some really wants the generator and propane, they will get it.  Normally when traveling the toolbox also has a lock on it.

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