Monday, June 18, 2012

Garner State Park, Concan TX

As always I try to start off with a departure picture.  

View from inside Rdome

Front View of Coral Dome
All in all I'm pretty happy with the dog corals that I bought, with a little modification I will be able to set it up so that I won't have to go through the door and gate to get to my chair.

Beautiful Vista's Unfortunately not a lot of water.

We did a little tubing, but half of it was just walking in the water.  Took a little longer than it should have and Myra ended up with one of the age old traditions a Garner (sun burn legs), and that was after 70 spf applied twice.

Another tradition is to listen to Indian Stories and to become Blood Brothers/Sisters with the Ranger and other at the Pow Wow.  Myra volunteer to be cut with the arrowhead first and was even disappointment when she got a animal stamp on the arm instead.  She still beat the drum and became a member of the tribe.

 The third Garner State Park tradition is the nightly dance.  I'm told that the teenage girls start getting ready about 5pm (the dance is 8:30 to 11:00).  Young ladies and men stand on the edges of the dance area, while older campers have chairs circling the outer area.  Girls ask Boys and Boys ask Girls, before the second chorus of the song the dance floor is full of dancers.  Myra of Course would not dance with me, she went out and found boys to dance with.   I won't post those pictures, but I had to buy her this Tee shirt as a memento.

We took a day trip to Lost Maples, and did a little hike.  This is a beautiful park and I'm seriously thinking of trying to come in the fall after the leaves turn.  They have a small and well kept camping area.

That evening we also went to THE FRIO BAT FLIGHT, the second largest Mexican Free Tail colony in the World (10 millon bats).  The pictures don't do it justice, but hopefully the video shows it better.

We made a couple of other side day trips to include another tubing adventure (where there was more water), all and all we had a great trip.

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